my journey as a designer
As far as what I do as a creative in a whole From making movies to making art making YouTube videos, all sorts of things doesn’t matter what it is I always been a fan of just creating things art, movies clothes, etc. But making clothes has been a one of the most challenging, but great aspect of what I do as an artist from learning how to sew screen print, making clothes from scratch and a lot more to learn I started making clothes around 2021 and over the years. I’ve gotten better just by being consistent with my art and looking at different inspirations quotes watching different films and movies studying different artists and fashion designers to different music, and let alone studying myself and who I am as a person and who I would want to become etc. from that point on I have always been a fan of clothes in overtime. I realized making things it’s just what I like to do. It’s my purpose in this world that we building things has always been something I just do even from scratch and just figuring it out along the way and making sure I can be the best I can be even if I mess up and that’s what makes me special and that’s also what makes you special as long as you can keep going no matter what the outcome may be just figuring it out along the way And it’s not going to be easy it’s gonna be a hard process, but if you love what you do with purpose, you’ll figure it out no matter what anybody says no matter what anybody tells you and greatness will just follow in other peoples minds you may not make the best art or make the best clothes or make the best movies but if you love what you do truly keep doing it no matter what anybody else says If you believe your art is great then so be it IHEARTCLOMI May look silly to some people But to me, it’s great and I love what I do it means more than just a symbol on a shirt It means more than just the patterns in the colors on the shirt pants jacket hat, whatever it is I love doing it and this is me and I will continue to do it because I am me I am Clomiray and you are you so keep doing you We together are - IHEARTCLOMI